Monday, April 8, 2013

A Refelection on Ethical Problems course PHI 211

I just wanted to take a moment and share some of my thoughts as we near the end of the journey in this Ethical Problems course. I will admit that I went through a myriad of emotions throughout this course. They ranged from confusion and displeasure to understanding and self-satisfaction. After being out of formal education for so many years I felt overwhelmed at the magnitude of this class and what was required of me. Writing an argumentative outline? Publishing blog posts? I won’t even get started on the required text to read while I had heard of Aristotle, I had no idea how to pronounce Nicomachean Ethics let alone what is was about. At times I thought about giving up and dropping the course, but I persevered because quitting is not in my nature. I walk away from this course with a better understanding of what it means to be happy and experience pleasure. I’ve also learned that pleasure and how it is attained is different for each individual and what is more desirable of pleasurable for one is not for another. Most importantly I learned that in the end everyone wants to experience some sort of pleasure and happiness. This is universal through all society. By conquering this somewhat difficult course I have gained a new sense of confidence to face all other courses ahead of me.

1 comment:

  1. Go Steven! Glad you didn't drop out, you've added lots of food for thought to our class. I can definately relate to what you were feeling; last year was my first time in the classroom in more years than I'm willing to admit here!


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